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May 31, 2011

Share things you are willing to do for 5$

Five Dollars!!! sounds not much though, but here is a website which allows you to post what ever you can do or want for 5$. For instance if you are a graphic artist you can post that I can draw creative signs for you for just 5$ or if you are not on a drawing side and enjoys writing then you can help someone with their can post I can do home-work of 10th grade of science subject for 5$..just pick your choice. It could be any service you can give or want all with 5$.

This is a genuine paying website pays users via Paypal and is quite innovative. The tasks here are flexible and full of variety:

The website name is Fiverr

hope you enjoy it, and don't forget to pay me 5$;)

Cya Reader

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Traveler IQ challenge: Give it a shot

This Traveler IQ challenge compares your geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travelogue's other 4,407,428 travelers who have taken this challenge as of Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 09:01AM GMT. (TravelPod is a TripAdvisor Media Network member) 
It was really a fun and challenging game, Initially i found difficulties clearing the level but after trying couple of times, i got the idea and then almost all my shots were bulls eye.Its kinda addictive and knowledgeable too..With the game, you get the good idea where exactly the famous places are situated.Its very fast too load and free to play, you can play this on my blog or you can visit the official website here.