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Aug 12, 2009

Tellaworld..And the world is yours for 30 seconds!!!

About: Welcome on TellaWorld the new fantastic website where you will be able to express your thoughts, your love, your ideas, your ego, your plans, your everything to the whole World. And when your message will appear on the TellaWorld Planet, everyone, everywhere will see your post for 30 seconds!

The World will be yours for 30 seconds

During these 30 seconds you will receive tons of views and comments to your message

My review: I joined this website couple of days ago, and used it for a while, I must appreciate the concept used by creator to provide new and innovative edge for communicating.But it does lack certain features which if installed will double the interest level, like, if we can rotate the globe according to our interest, or if we can add friends and can chat personally etc..
Though I had a chat with the "Aaron Ghirardelli", one of developer of Tellaworld, and I was happy with his response that they are looking forward to install such features in coming months.

Check it out and mark your presence over the globe:

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1 comment:

Botolo said...

Thanks for the review. I hope you are enjoying TellaWorld and you are right, several new features are coming :-D

Aaron Ghirardelli
TellaWorld Co-Founder

Traveler IQ challenge: Give it a shot

This Traveler IQ challenge compares your geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travelogue's other 4,407,428 travelers who have taken this challenge as of Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 09:01AM GMT. (TravelPod is a TripAdvisor Media Network member) 
It was really a fun and challenging game, Initially i found difficulties clearing the level but after trying couple of times, i got the idea and then almost all my shots were bulls eye.Its kinda addictive and knowledgeable too..With the game, you get the good idea where exactly the famous places are situated.Its very fast too load and free to play, you can play this on my blog or you can visit the official website here.