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Jun 18, 2009

Organize your movie collection Online

Its time to move forward into technology and use Internet to Organize your huge movie collection Online into an easy to use and access online DVD library, which automatically includes the movie actors, synopsis, director, producer, running time, box image and more!The website has tons of features which will grab your attention.
The best part of this Movie Forum is that you can also Share Your DVD Collection with Others, your friends can also browse, sort & search your Blu-ray & DVD collection online, isn't it great...get updates what's on your friends list or what they just borrowed etc.

Another great feature which I like and probably not found on other services which I recently used, is to "Track DVDs" that are on loan.
On other hand if you look at the statistics you'll be quite happy with its service, performance and collection:
-Currently 49,528 movies in the database!
-The largest Movie Network consists of 27 users
-The average number of movies borrowed each day is 43

The website and service is sure a hit, it was recommended to me by one of my friend who is using it from quite a while and rated it 9 on scale of 10, which is really impressive.
For more information and other details like which movies are in their databse visit the below given link:

catalog DVD's online

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Traveler IQ challenge: Give it a shot

This Traveler IQ challenge compares your geographical knowledge against the Web's Original Travelogue's other 4,407,428 travelers who have taken this challenge as of Saturday, August 15, 2009 at 09:01AM GMT. (TravelPod is a TripAdvisor Media Network member) 
It was really a fun and challenging game, Initially i found difficulties clearing the level but after trying couple of times, i got the idea and then almost all my shots were bulls eye.Its kinda addictive and knowledgeable too..With the game, you get the good idea where exactly the famous places are situated.Its very fast too load and free to play, you can play this on my blog or you can visit the official website here.